Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Osteoarthritis and Ayurveda

Hi friends,
We all are familiar with this picture. It is osteoarthritis. A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wear down. It is mostly related to aging. It is degenerative condition of joint. It is more common in women. Common symptoms includes pain, stiffness, swelling, reduced joint mobility and flexibility. One bitter truth about this condition is treatment can help, but it can't be cured. A lot of oils, liniments and oral medicines are available in market for pain. Though it is untreatable condition, we can control with simple things. Here are some tips which will help to limit the condition.
1. According to ayurveda , it is due to vata. So one should apply warm oil daily to affected joint. Don't rub, just apply gently. Til oil or any medicated oil suggested by your ayurveda doctor.
2. Fomentation with hot water bag
 after oil application reduces pain.
3. Avoid dry food items like puffed rice, popcorn, corn products, fine floor products and dry bakery items and food causing constipation.
4. Have sufficient fats in diet. Add around 5ml pure cow ghee to your plate.
5. Use oil seeds and nuts in diet.
6. Chicken, paya or meat soup is more prefereble for nonvegetarian. But avoid dry fish and canned meat.
7. Dates, black raisins, berries, fig, pomegranate, radish, jaggery, cane juice, sesame seeds, saffron, ginger, garlic, drum sticks, black gram are helpful.Use it wisely.
8. Daily consumption of A2 cow milk or goat milk also recommended.
9. Use cold pressed or filtered oil only. Avoid refine one.
10. Have light dinner at evening.
11.  Do regular light exercise but avoid exertion.
12. Respond to nature call immediately.
13. Adequate sleep is very important .
14. Avoid direct contact with airflow while sleeping. Cover yourself while sleeping.
15. Avoid cold water, drinks, food and atmosphere.
16. During winter keep yourself warm.
17. If tendency of constipation, use castor oil. Avoid purgatives.
18. Basti with whole body massage and steam is useful panchakarma. Doing basti in rainy season keeps vata in control. Discuss it with your ayurveda doctor for more details.
19. Fasting and skipping your meals can aggravates pain.so avoid it.
These simple things will help you to control the condition.
Be healthy always.

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