Monday, June 5, 2017


Hi friends, intestinal gases is very common problem. Though it is not actually a big trouble , but it makes awkward. If it causes odour and noise , it feels more shameful. People looks at you like a criminal. Joke apart this situation indicates low health of gastrointestinal tract.
For chronic gases, one has to be careful. It can be sign of any disease.

What is gas? Why it is there?
It is mixture of gases. It is due to either swallowed air or normal breakdown of undigested food by bacteria present in large intestines.
Rapid drinking , chewing gum, chewing tobacco products, sucking on hard candy, drinking carbonated beverages or loose dentures can cause to swallow more air.
Anothet cause is related to digestion i.e, Lactose intolerance, some carbs, lentils, beans, sugars, sodas corn, pasta , soluble fibres etc. Not everybody caughts gases with each of it.
Treatment includes avoid the food item causing gases, enzyme supplements, antacids, activated charcoal tablates. 

Ayurveda have different view. It is normal to fart and don't restrain it. It is indication of hampered digestive system. Here proper digestion by enhancing Agni is the only key to treatment. For proper digestion, one need to take care of diet, lifestyle, exercise and sleep.

Diet care includes what, when ,how much and how to eat. 
What to eat?
Start your day with light breakfast which have proper proprtion of nutrients and traditional , semi soft, home made, fresh, warm and contains ghee or oil in little amount. 
For lunch and dinner, have home made, fresh and warm food.
Welcome 1 to 2 tsp of ghee in diet.
Use cooked food. For digestion of raw food , needs more efforts.
Addition of spices specially asafoetida, cumin, garlic, mustard seeds, black pepper, aniseed, ajwain (carom seeds) and ginger aids the digestion.
Never eat beans and lentils without adding oil or ghee.
After food , one can have a cup of buttermilk.
Avoid refrigerated food, carbonated drinks, fine floor products, fermented food, canned food and food containg soda (sodium bicarbonate). 

When to eat?
Have fixed time for having food. Don't shuffle it.Best time is when you feel hungry.

How much to eat?
For this, one have to observe carefully. Eat in that quantity which allows you to feel light. One should consume according hunger. It may differ according to person.
Avoid overeating , to just tempt your buds. Avoid excess of water and chilled drinks. 

How to eat?
It is really important part.
It have dramatic effect on digestion. One should eat at slow pace. Rapid eating causes incomplete chewing, more air swallowing and indigestion. While eating, one should have sips of water in between. Lukewarm water will be more beneficial. Avoid any other activity while having food. Enjoy food with all senses. Feel the satiety.

There must be atleast 2 hrs gap between food and sleeping. Early morning awakening helps to keep bowels clear and helps in digestion. Have short nap after lunch and little walk after dinner. 

Daily light excercise helps to relieve gases and improves digestion. Vajrasan after food is really helpful. Practicing Yoga postures like pavan muktasan , utthita padasan, ardha matsyendrasana will be helpful.

Sleep contribute a lot. Daily adequate sound sleep is necessary for adequate secretion of digestive juices. 
Late night awakening , disturbed and inadequate sleep should avoided.

Shankhavati, ajmodadi choorna ,lavanbhaskar choorna, hingwashtak choorna etc are useful. But should consume under guidance.

Local warm oil masage , fomentation and basti are helpful. Should consult Vaidy for details.

When there is acute attack , here are tips to help you
1. Consume 1 pinch of ghee fried asafoetida with lukewarm water.
2. Drink warm water.
3. Chew pinch of rock salt or black salt 
4. Do dry fomentation
5. Lie on stomach for awhile 
6. Walk a little
7. Don't eat until you feel hungry 

To pass gases is natural urge of body, don't ashame to relieve them. Restaining may harm you.