Friday, March 15, 2019

Ayurveda Tips To Fight Bad Breath

Hi friends,
Haunted by bad breath monster. Here are some tips of Ayurveda to fight against it.
1. Brush after eating. Herbal or ayurvedic toothpastes are recommended. One can use charcoal powder or herbal mixtures available in market. Massage your gums with honey after brushing.
2. Use tongue cleaner.Regular tongue cleaning is helping a lot.
3. Gargle after having food and drink. Gargling with triphala or licorice decoction or honey and water will also beneficial.
4. Chew betel leaves, clove, cardamom,camphor after lunch and dinner instead of chewing sugar contained mouth freshners.
5. Do regular oil pulling with warm sesame or coconut oil or A2 cow ghee.
6. Take care of your digestion and bowel.
7. Avoid over eating.
8. Avoid use of cold and hot food at a time.
9. If you are suffering from respiratory disorder, correct it.
10. Herbal smoking will helpful. Take help from ayurveda doctor.
11. Panchakarma like Vaman, virechana, basti and nasya can be helpful. Consult your ayurveda doctor.
12. Pitta dominant people have natural tendency for bad breath. They should avoid pitta aggravating food and lifestyle.
13. Limits dairy products except ghee.
14. Don't hesitate to visit your dentist if facing any dental or gum issue.
15. Fasting once a week can be helpful. Have warm water while fasting.
16. Avoid excess of tea ,coffee , carbonated drinks.
17. Practice sheetali pranayam, sitkari pranayam, kapal bhati and lion pose.
18. Avoid synthetic food and have more veggies and fruits in diet.
19. Keep your body hydrated.Drink adequate water according to your thirst.
20. If it's severe, please visit your health professional.

Be Healthy Always.
Dr Jyoti Jagtap
Swasthayu Ayurved Clinic Kharghar

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Osteoarthritis and Ayurveda

Hi friends,
We all are familiar with this picture. It is osteoarthritis. A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wear down. It is mostly related to aging. It is degenerative condition of joint. It is more common in women. Common symptoms includes pain, stiffness, swelling, reduced joint mobility and flexibility. One bitter truth about this condition is treatment can help, but it can't be cured. A lot of oils, liniments and oral medicines are available in market for pain. Though it is untreatable condition, we can control with simple things. Here are some tips which will help to limit the condition.
1. According to ayurveda , it is due to vata. So one should apply warm oil daily to affected joint. Don't rub, just apply gently. Til oil or any medicated oil suggested by your ayurveda doctor.
2. Fomentation with hot water bag
 after oil application reduces pain.
3. Avoid dry food items like puffed rice, popcorn, corn products, fine floor products and dry bakery items and food causing constipation.
4. Have sufficient fats in diet. Add around 5ml pure cow ghee to your plate.
5. Use oil seeds and nuts in diet.
6. Chicken, paya or meat soup is more prefereble for nonvegetarian. But avoid dry fish and canned meat.
7. Dates, black raisins, berries, fig, pomegranate, radish, jaggery, cane juice, sesame seeds, saffron, ginger, garlic, drum sticks, black gram are helpful.Use it wisely.
8. Daily consumption of A2 cow milk or goat milk also recommended.
9. Use cold pressed or filtered oil only. Avoid refine one.
10. Have light dinner at evening.
11.  Do regular light exercise but avoid exertion.
12. Respond to nature call immediately.
13. Adequate sleep is very important .
14. Avoid direct contact with airflow while sleeping. Cover yourself while sleeping.
15. Avoid cold water, drinks, food and atmosphere.
16. During winter keep yourself warm.
17. If tendency of constipation, use castor oil. Avoid purgatives.
18. Basti with whole body massage and steam is useful panchakarma. Doing basti in rainy season keeps vata in control. Discuss it with your ayurveda doctor for more details.
19. Fasting and skipping your meals can aggravates avoid it.
These simple things will help you to control the condition.
Be healthy always.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Women health - Ayurvedic view

Hi all,
A Woman is form of shakti i.e, power.She is the continuous source of energy and prosperity. She is the backbone of family and society.If she get unwell or diseased, everything is get disturbed.
Today on the occasion of world women's Day , lets see how ayurveda can help to maintain this flow of energy  uninterrupted.
1. First I would like to suggest ,adapt habit of exercise. It is not mandatory for everyone to go and workout in gym. Any exercise, small session of yoga , walking, running, zumba etc.
Daily exercise keep you fit both mentally and physically. It keeps your energy level high.
2. Keep watch on your diet.Eat healthy but don't overnourish body. Eat simple, traditional and FRESH food. Don't skip your meal.Add pure cow ghee to your plate. It will help to maintain glow of ur skin.
3. Try to sleep early. Avoid late night awakening and daytime sleeping.It will make you dull.
4. Don't avoid nature's call. Women have tendency to do that which may lead to serious health issues.
4. Our body is best doctor. When anything wrong happens it gives signals like anorexia, loss of hunger etc.Try to listen it and correct accordingly. Take help of doctors. But just don't neglect it or try to treat by yourself. Neglecting your health may cause serious health problem in future.
5. Women are going through a lot of stress nowadays.My suggestion will be try to manage your workand take help from family members. No need always to be supermom.
6. Due to stress many of us faces anxiety or depression.Dont neglect it . Take help of counselor and psychiatrist
7. Lastly don't compare. You are beautiful as you are. Don't copy anyone. Don't get trapped in cosmetic market. Little use of it is no harm, but avoid regular use. Inner calmness radiates on your face which makes you more beautiful inspite of any cosmetics.
Lastly healthy body , mind and soul are the tool of beauty.
Be healthy and happy.
Happy women's Day.