Monday, June 20, 2011


Leucorrhoea is a whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina. It sometimes occurs at or just before each menstrual period, which is normal. If the vaginal flow is foul smelling, viscid (tenacious) and thick that stiffens the linen, it  is a serious condition , if allowed to prolong and not treated, may cause other problems. According to ayurveda , most time leucorrhoea is due to metabolic problems which is due to low digestive fire.

Causes - 
Excess of coitus , Indigestion abortion, excessive coitus, worry, sleeping during day and sedentary life style, trauma, anemia ,weakness, poor diet, frequent child bearing, excess sour & salt ingestion ,worms, irritation of IUCD , lack of cleanliness & Kapha increasing regime.

Treatment -
1. Hygiene - keep clean your internal organs & cloths.
2. Repair problem related with indigestion 
3. Avoid excess of coitus 
4. Take deworming medicine, prefer herbal one, it is most effective like Vidanga 
5. Do regular exercise 
6. Avoid sleeping during day 
7. Avoid stale, sour, salty & fermented food, fish, curd, mushroom, 
8. Avoid excess of any liquid diet 
9. Avoid constipating food 
10. Check out whether IUCD in proper position 
11. Take nutritious diet 
12. Use garlic & ginger in diet 
13. Daily meditation will improve condition 
14. If these tips are not helping consult your doctor
15. Vaginal douche with Triphala decoction followed by herbal vaginal pessary (It's that procedure where clean sterilized cotton is dipped in the medicated oil and kept within the vaginal passage.  ) will help a lot
16. Don’t get bewitched by advertisement. ingestion of any medicine without consultation    may harm 
17. Proper diet at hunger time & enough water for thirst can reduce many health, TAKE CARE 


  1. Hi...
    Great post I like it.....
    Hashmi herbal is also a best natural leucorrhoea treatment for female. Best solution for white discharge problem available for this condition which cures it without causing any kind of side effects.

  2. Hi...!
    Very Interesting post……
    This gives so much knowledge to me. I can also suggest very effective natural leucorrhoea treatment for all women.
