Monday, May 22, 2017


Do you know, there is increase in couples facing infertility issue? In males, oligospermia is the foremost cause. Oligospermia means low sperm count than normal. It causes problem in conceiving. Alcohol, smoking, strenous activity, some medications, trauma, varicocele, mumps, malaria, infections etc are the causes.Treatment part includes dietary supplements, hormonal therapy and surgical correction which is not so promising.

Ayurveda have some different view while treating this condition. Ayurveda don't aim only for increasing count but also quality, to produce healthy offsprings.Here we have to correct dosha. Low sperm count may be due to lack of nutrition of reproductive cells, consumption of less nutritious diet or shukra diminishing diet. Long term illness, excess coitus act, trauma, exertion, addictions and stress are the other causes. Correction of diet , lifestyle, panchakarma and medicines is the key.
Ayurveda believes shukra is made from food. So it is first part to be correct.
Welcome cow ghee and cow milk in diet.
Have nutritious, homemade and fresh food.
For nonvegetarian, soup and fertilized eggs can be added.
Country Chicken is preferable.
 Vegetarian should add black gram, wheat, ghee, rice in diet.
Say no too excess salty , spicy and sour food.
Use rock salt.
Food containing coustic soda, carbonated drinks, readymade sauces, preseved and canned food, dry food and in compatible food should strictly prohibited.
Say no to addictions specially tobacco products.
Do moderate excercise.
Take adequate sleep.
To manage stress practice yoga.
Panchakarma are very useful in this condition. Basti, Uttarbasti, Virechana, Nasya and Shirodhara will be helpful. One should consult vaidya for that.
Amla,black gram, musali, kavachbeej, shilajit, gokshura adhwagandha are beneficial.
Aphrodisiac and Rejuvenating medicines are useful. One should consume under guidance.