Friday, March 31, 2017


Beautiful make up start with beautiful skin.
Flawless and radiant skin is dream of every teenager. Acne is the nightmare which often break down this dream. Though acne is not major problem, it leaves scar and blemishes which is main concern.
Let see what allopathy thinks.
What is acne?
Acne is a disease that affects the skin's oil glands. The small holes in your skin connects oil glands under the skin. These glands makes an oily substance called sebum. The pores connects to the oil glands by acanal called follicle. Inside follicles, oil caries dead skin cells to the surface of skin. A thin hair also grows theough it and out to the skin. When follicle of the skin clogs up, an acne develpes.

What are the causes?
Exact cause is not known, but may following factors are causing it.
1. Hormonal changes at puberty
2. Starting or stopping birth controlling pills
3. Hereditary
4. Greasy make up

What are the side effects?
1. Scar
2. Blemishes
3. Pigmentation

What is treatment of acne?
Antibiotics and tropicals

Let see how AYurveda can help. It says acne are mostly due to vitiated kapha , vata and blood. So correction of this is must ,but how? By following some simple regulations we can get rid of it.

Yes it have major role. One should avoid salty, sour, spicy, stale, dry, fried, coldrinks, canned food, preserved by chemical, dairy, vinegar, pickles, papad, alcohol contaings beverages , excess tea.
Ghee is important for maintaining all bodily function, so include 2 tsp in diet.

Avoid late night awakening and day sleep.
Adequate sleep is important for balancing hormones.

Tobacco, Gutakha, cigars, cigarettes, alcohol beverages are most powerful culprits.

Daily care
Use gentle facewash or triphala decoction for washing face. If not possible, use plain water.
Don't use any scrub.
Don't rub facial skin after washing.
Don't squeeze acne.
Avoid direct exposure to sunrays.
Avoid contact of skin to any chemical.

Ayurvedic treatment
This should be done under guidance of ayurvedic consultant.
Putting 2 drops of warm anutail in each nostril will definitely help. Abhyanga with specific herbal oils will help to remove post acne blemishes and scars. Herbal face pack is also helpful. Panchakarma like vaman, nasya, virechana and raktmokshan are beneficial.

Avoid birth controlling pills or medicines which alter hormones. Ayurvedic medicine taken under guidance will be helful.

Manage stress by simple meditation techniques.
Accept the truth, u r unique and beautiful, as u are.
No need to compete unnecessarily, be happy and content.

The key to fight acne is healthy diet, adequate sleep, no chemicals, no addictions, no hormones and no stress.

Beautiful skin requires commitment , not a miracle.

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