Saturday, October 6, 2018


Hi friends,
    Still finding difficult for falling or staying asleep.According to National sleep foundation , in USA two third of Americans have trouble with falling or staying asleep. While Adolescents have troubles in falling , adults are struggling for staying asleep.
      Insomnia is defined as chronic complaint of unsatisfactory sleep despite having chance to sleep. It includes difficulty in falling or staying asleep, waking up too early and not refreshing sleep.
        Due to insomnia ,one may experience fatigue, low energy ,irritability, difficulty in concentration and  low performance at work.
        Everyone had this experience in life. When u r having exams ,due to anxiety one can't sleep. It is okay but if u are experiencing it frequently , u need to see a doctor.
         Ayurveda states, sleep is very important for healthy life. Sleep is not merely physical relaxation but it also needed for hormony of many bodily functions
          According to Ayurveda, insomnia is due to aggravation of Vata and Pitta. Here are some tips to help you get asleep.
1. Start your dinner with homemade and fresh sweets.
2. Add 2 tsp pure cow ghee to plate.
3. Avoid salty, sour and spicy food items.
4. Take care of your digestion and bowel
5. Avoid daytime sleeping
6. Have glass of Buffalo milk while sleeping
7. One can add soup of nonveg food
8. Use fragrance which you like in bedroom
9. Avoid any electromagnetic gadgets in bedroom
10. Arrange dim light or darkness in bedroom
11. Avoid use of internet after dinner
12. Instruct your mind to be calm, here you can have help of yoga
13. Practice deep breathing and relaxation exercises
14. Do head massage with medicated oil or plain coconut oil.
15. Foot massage with coconut oil or ghee will be helpful.
16. Have full body massage with oil.
17. One can practice  putting drops of warm oil in both ear
18. Shirodhara is best for insomnia.
19. One can have Panchakarma like Basti,Nasya and Virechana by consulting Ayurveda doctor.
20.Try to control your thoughts, the continuous chain of it keeps mind alert.
21. To be content is very important for sound sleep.
23. Restrict use of alcohol.Research says thought it is used as sedative , chronic use leads insomnia and disturb the sleep pattern.
24.Smoking is bad for your sleep, so stop it.
25. Restrict use of tea and coffee after evening.
26.Add nutmeg, cumin seeds, poppy seeds in food.Desserts containing nutmeg and poppy seeds will help to fall asleep.
27. If you are taking medications for any health problem and experiencing insomnia,consult your physician.
   It will take time to regulate your sleep cycle.But it will definitely in few months.Go to bed and try to sleep on regular timings. If you don't feel ,still lie down. Don't engage yourself in other work.If problem is severe consult physician.
Afterall sleep is golden chain that ties our health and body together.