Monday, March 4, 2019

Women health - Ayurvedic view

Hi all,
A Woman is form of shakti i.e, power.She is the continuous source of energy and prosperity. She is the backbone of family and society.If she get unwell or diseased, everything is get disturbed.
Today on the occasion of world women's Day , lets see how ayurveda can help to maintain this flow of energy  uninterrupted.
1. First I would like to suggest ,adapt habit of exercise. It is not mandatory for everyone to go and workout in gym. Any exercise, small session of yoga , walking, running, zumba etc.
Daily exercise keep you fit both mentally and physically. It keeps your energy level high.
2. Keep watch on your diet.Eat healthy but don't overnourish body. Eat simple, traditional and FRESH food. Don't skip your meal.Add pure cow ghee to your plate. It will help to maintain glow of ur skin.
3. Try to sleep early. Avoid late night awakening and daytime sleeping.It will make you dull.
4. Don't avoid nature's call. Women have tendency to do that which may lead to serious health issues.
4. Our body is best doctor. When anything wrong happens it gives signals like anorexia, loss of hunger etc.Try to listen it and correct accordingly. Take help of doctors. But just don't neglect it or try to treat by yourself. Neglecting your health may cause serious health problem in future.
5. Women are going through a lot of stress nowadays.My suggestion will be try to manage your workand take help from family members. No need always to be supermom.
6. Due to stress many of us faces anxiety or depression.Dont neglect it . Take help of counselor and psychiatrist
7. Lastly don't compare. You are beautiful as you are. Don't copy anyone. Don't get trapped in cosmetic market. Little use of it is no harm, but avoid regular use. Inner calmness radiates on your face which makes you more beautiful inspite of any cosmetics.
Lastly healthy body , mind and soul are the tool of beauty.
Be healthy and happy.
Happy women's Day.

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