Friday, April 21, 2017


Hi friends, Indian Meterology. Department predicted this will be hotter summer. In summer, due to heat body and mind both get exhausted quickly. So for maintaining stamina we need special care. Let see, how can we deal this with help of Ayurveda.
In summer, adjust your daily regime. Start your day at early morning. Avoid strenous exercises, but yes you can practice some regular workout followed by relaxing postures. Practice nadishuddhi, sheetali or sitkari pranayam, it will help to reduce effect of heat.
Apply warm coconut oil to all over body speacially at head. Bath with cold or lukewarm water. Instead of using perfumed soap, u can add rose water, aroma oil, dry orange peels or rose petals to bathtub. It will refresh body and mind. Apply paste of turmeric and chana(chickpea) or masoor( red lentils) flour with milk instead of soap.It will remove dead tissues and will make skin glowing.
For bad odour of sweat, apply fine powder of khas, chandan or licorice. Wear pure cotton cloths with light shades. Use natural frgrances like attar. Avoid direct contact with sun. Use suncoat, scarf and goggles. Avoid outing between 12 to 4 pm. Don't take immediate showers after exposing heat. Have sleep at early in night. One can have day naps, if feels exhausted.
In summer,there is loss of fluids from body. So diet should be replenishing. Include curries, rice, milk, ghee, kheer, soups, lemon juice, fruit juices, jams and sharabat. Increase use of cumin and coriander. Drink water from Earthen pot. Use sweet taste, reduce spices. Exclude salty, spicy , fried and dry food, curd, alcohol, vinegar and garam masala. Avoid frequent tea and coffee. Eat all seasonal fruits.
One may experience burning feet and eyes. Use coconut oil or ghee for foot massage. Put rose water drops in eyes.
One last and most important thing for making summer season comfortable, plant more trees.
So make your summer healthy.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Veins plays important role in circulation. They are responsible for returning deoxygenated blood back to the heart. In lower limbs, veins have to work against gravity. So here,Nature has equipped them with non return valves. But when, the valves fails, varicosity appears.
It is more common in women.
Symptoms are dark blue or purple color veins, appearance is twisted or bulging like cords,cramps,swelling,bleeding from varicose vein, Pain may achy, burning, throbbing, heavy feeling and get worsened after prolonged sitting.
Main causes are prolonged standing, family history, aging, pregnancy, obesity , medical conditions like tumor, DVT.
Common complications are bleeding, thrombosis, varicose eczema, varicose ulcer and thrombophlebitis.
Palliative treatment includes avoid prolonged standing, exercises, weight loss, use of compression socks or stockings.
If still condition worsened , have to go for surgical treatment like vein ligation, stripping, sclerotherapy, microsclerotherapy or LASER surgery.
It is not complete cure, as recurrence is there.

According to ayurveda this condition is may due to vitiated bood by dosha , weakened valve or incompetent veins due to lack of nourishment.
So treatment should be accordingly. But the basic principle of treatment is prasadan i.e, appeasing  of Rakta dhatu. Some changes in lifestyle and diet are required for it. Let see how can ayurveda improve.
1. Diet and lifestyle.
 Take care of your digestion by avoiding indigestion and  overeating.
 Welcome home made and fresh food and 2 tsp of ghee.  No stale food.
Avoid excess of  sweet, sour, salty or spicy.
Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
Exclude preservative added, canned, dehydrated food, caorbonated drinks, curd, cheese, cottage cheese, fried food, ecxess tea or coffee, vinegar, radish, pork, lassi,fruit milk shake and sea food from kitchen.
Food causing constipation should be avoided.
Include grapes, dates, dry grapes, pomegranate, ridge gourd, bittergourd, gourd, bottle gourd, snake gourd in diet.
2. Lifestyle
 Avoid work near to fire, heat or direct exposure to high temperature.
Avoid simultaneous use of cold and hot, Drinking cold water or coldrinks, cold showers after work out or physical activity. Cold and hot beverages or food at a time.
Do exercise, some aasana are really beneficial.
Avoid prolonged standing or sitting, legs in strangulation.
Have adequate sleep. Avoid daysleeping and late night tasks.
Daily gentle application of oil will prevent varicose eczema or varicose ulcer.
3. Panchakarma
Use medicated oil for gentle massage , don't apply pressure.
Internal oleation by panchatiktak or mahatiktak helps a lot.
Gentle massage and pindasweda helps to restore strength of valves.
Virechana or Basti are useful panchakarma.
 Blood letting is also helpful.
But all panchakarma part should be done under guidance of vaidya.
4. Medicine
 Raktapachak yog, guduchi, sariva, vasa, Arogyavardhini are the drug of choice but should be consumed by vaidya consultation.

With the help of ayurveda, we can definitely defeat this condition. Lifestyle modification, Diet correction, Panchakarma and Medicines are keys to success.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Hi friends,
There are increasing  number of affected by hypothyroidism worldwide. In India alone 10 million peoples are dignosed with it  per year. It is becoming very common nowdays. It is really issue of concern.
 In simple words, Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. Deficiency of it can disrupt heart rate ,body temperature and metabolism.
It is 5 to 8 times prevalent in women than men. Major symptoms are fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin and unexplained weight gain.
Treatment consists of thyroid hormone replacement which requires constant laboratory support. Side effects are headache, sleep disturbances, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, sweating, changes in menstrual cycles and changes in weight.
Let's see how ayurveda thinks.
It is lifestyle disorder and stress is also contrubuting factor. This is the condition of imbalance of tridosha, mainly aggravated kapha and declined pitta.
Ayurveda treats this condition successfully. Treatment consist of Diet and Lifestyle correction ,Medicine and Panchkarma.
1. Diet
  Welcome 2 tsp of Ghee in diet
  Prefer homemade fresh food and try to maintain
  regular timings
  Try to avoid ready to eat , canned, preserved and stale food
   Don't use in excess any of taste, specially sweet, sour and salty.
  Avoid icecreams, cheese, butter, hydrogenated fats and deserts, cottage cheese, yoghurt, curd and refined flour.
  Drink natural beverages if tempted, avoid chilled or hot beverages frequently and simultaneously.
Follow your natural signals about thirst, don't drink too less or plenty of fluids.
  Any type of beverages should be restricted at bedtime.

2. Lifestyle
Regular exercise helps to boost agni  and reduce kapha.
Daily abhyanga or massage with medicated oil will increase vitality and reduce kapha.
Adequate and calm sleep is necessary for secretions of hormones. Daysleep and latenight awakening should be excluded.
Learn to manage the stress, yoga will definitely helpful.

3. Panchakarma
  Not always necessary , should be done under guidance of expert vaidya.

4. Medicine
Arogyavardhini vati, kanchanar guggul and raktapachak yoga are drug of choice. But should be consumed under guidance of vaidya.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Heels , beautiful and important part of foot. It bears weight of body. But we often neglect it's health. Cracks on heels already indicating imbalance of doshas , but we still neglect it. Then it become source of pain and embarrassment.
Cracked heels means cracked or splitted skin. The main cause is increased dryness due to which skin looses elasticity and suppleness. It made more complicated by callus , thick skin around rim of heal, which cracks and breaks under pressure activity like walking, long standing etc. Symptoms are discomfort, pain or bleeding, may result in infection.
Prolonged standing on hard floor, open backs on shoes , high heels are another causes. Medical conditions like Diabetes with autonomic neuropathy,eczema, obesity, psoriasis, deficiency of vitamins, hormonal problems like thyroid or oestrogen imbalance may lead to dryness.
Treatment includes use of proper footware, padded socks and tropicals. But it is not always the solution.

According to ayurvrda vata is main dosha responsible for it, sometimes pitta also associates (burning sensation, bleeding, pain on touch). So one should modify diet and lifestyle accordingly.

Here are some tips which can help the healing.
1. Welcome 2 tsp of ghee or homemade butter in diet.
2. Try to have homemade simple food,Say no to dry, spicy, fried food and preserved food.
3. Daily 10 to 15 minutes gentle massage to feet. In summer, use ghee, homemade butter, coconut oil while in winter use seasame oil.
4. Soak feet in lukewarm water or triphala decoction for 5 min
5. Clean them with cotton cloth.
6. Apply plain ghee or oil.
7. Use proper footware with heel support.
8. Have adequate sleep.
9. Panchakarma like blood leeting if possible by leeches locally, purgation or medicated enema under guidance of vaidya will helpful in chronic conditions.
10. Try to avoid extreme hot or cold exposure to feet.
11. Use cotton socks at home.
12. Internal medication can be necessary , if there is pain, bleeding or sign of infection.

Though cracked heels not bothering at present, but  they can be in future. So start foot massage to avoid further complications.
 Diet and lifestyle correction and simple massage can definitely help to relive this condition.