Monday, February 14, 2011


ayurveda says, Buttermilk is sweet, sour, and slightly astringent in taste. Easy to digest & stimulates agni .It is beneficial in patient of ascitis, IBS, piles, anorexia & diarrhoea.

It should not be given in case of wound, debilitated persons & fainting, giddiness, burning sensation & disorder of Rakta & Pitta. It should be avoided in hot season.
It is advised that buttermilk should be use in cold seasons, beneficial for weak digestive power & diseases caused Vata & Kapha. It cleanses channels & such as useful in obstructive disorders.
In Vata condition, sour buttermilk should be taken mixed with rock salt. In Pitta condition, sweet one with sugar & in Kapha condition, it should be added with trikatu ( dry ginger, black pepper & piper longum) .
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans notes that an 8 oz. serving of buttermilk contains 284 mg of calcium, which is roughly the same as an equivalent serving of whole or skim milk. Dairy products, such as buttermilk, are rich in calcium and can help you meet the 1,000 mg daily recommended intake of calcium. Calcium contributes primarily to strong bones, but your nerves, muscles and heart all also require calcium to function properly. A lack of proper calcium in your diet could lead to osteoporosis. Thus, incorporating buttermilk into your recipes helps you and your family stay healthy.
Buttermilk boasts an impressive range of vitamins conducive to your overall health. Vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate are all found in buttermilk. Vitamin B-12 increases the health of red blood cells while vitamin B-6 promotes neurological development and assists the body in building proteins. Vitamin A helps keep your skin and hair healthy, vitamin C allows your body to absorb more iron from food and folate helps prevent birth defects.
The Harvard School of Public Health Recommends that adults receive 8 g of protein daily for every 20 lb. of body weight. Like the protein found in meat, dairy protein is "complete" protein. Thus, it contains all eight essential amino acids needed for growth and development. In addition to a range of other nutritional benefits, each serving of buttermilk contains 8 g of protein.
so, have a cup of buttermilk & have healthy life.

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