Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hi friends,
Women & cosmetics is old equation. There is evidence of highly advanced ideas of self beautification and a large array of various cosmetic usages both by men and women, in ancient India. Many of these practices were subtly interwoven with the seasons (Sanskrit: Rutus) and the normal rituals of life (Sanskrit: Dinacharyā). Significantly, the use of cosmetics was directed not only towards developing an outwardly pleasant and attractive personality, but towards achieving merit (Sanskrit: Punya), Longevity with good health (Sanskrit: Aayush andAarogyam) and happiness (Sanskrit: Anandam).Here are the herbs, which are helpful to keep you beautiful.
Amalaki - Application of fine Amalaki powder cleanse & softens skin. Amalaki oil is useful for healthy hair & massage with it prevents aging.
Arjuna - Application of fine Arjuna powder cleanse oily skin. It removes blackish ness of skin, reduces pimples.
Bala - It is natural moisturizer for skin when used as face pack. Massage of Bala oil prevents aging & strengthening hair. 
Punarnava - Application of fine Punarnava powder gives you radiant skin.
Yashtimadhu - It is natural moisturizer. It removes blackish ness of skin. Application of oil gives smooth silky hairs.
Aamraharidra - It brightens complexion. Regular application with milk helps to heal scar. Its regular use makes skin baby soft.
Jatiphala - Application with milk removes blemishes
Shalmali- Appilcation of shalmali flower powder makes skin blemish less & radiant
Triphala - Natural cleanser, best for hair washing. 
There are many herbs  like haridra, kumari, bhringrj are frequently used for cosmetic purpose. Ingestion of rasayan definitely help to look young & beautiful.
But most important is taking healthy food & be happy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Chlorine is a disinfectant added to drinking water to reduce or eliminate microorganisms, such as
 bacteria and viruses, which can be present in water supplies. The addition of chlorine to our
 drinking water has greatly reduced the risk of waterborne diseases.

Current scientific data shows that the benefits of chlorinating our drinking water (less disease) are
 much greater than any health risks from THMs and other by-products. Although other disinfectants are available, chlorine remains the choice of water treatment experts. When used
 with modern water filtration methods, chlorine is effective against virtually all microorganisms. 
Chlorine is easy to apply and small amounts of the chemical remain in the water as it travels in the
 distribution system from the treatment plant to the consumer's tap,This level of effectiveness 
ensures that microorganisms cannot recontaminate the water after it leaves the treatment plant.
Chlorine is used to combat microbial contamination, but it can react with organic matter in the
water and form dangerous, carcinogenic Trihalomethanes. According to Dr. Joseph M. Price, MD, in Moseby's Medical Dictionary, "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison".
Although concentrations of these carcinogens are low...it is precisely these low levels which cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States." Report Issued By The Environmental Defense Fund
Dr. Herbert Schwartz of Cumberland County College in Vineman, N.J. says: "Chlorine has so many dangers it should be banned. Putting chlorine in the water supply is like starting a time bomb. Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility, both mental and physical, are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. It is making us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of aging such as hardening of the arteries."
There is increased evidence for an association between rectal, colon and bladder cancer and the consumption of chlorinated drinking water."

Monday, February 14, 2011


ayurveda says, Buttermilk is sweet, sour, and slightly astringent in taste. Easy to digest & stimulates agni .It is beneficial in patient of ascitis, IBS, piles, anorexia & diarrhoea.

It should not be given in case of wound, debilitated persons & fainting, giddiness, burning sensation & disorder of Rakta & Pitta. It should be avoided in hot season.
It is advised that buttermilk should be use in cold seasons, beneficial for weak digestive power & diseases caused Vata & Kapha. It cleanses channels & such as useful in obstructive disorders.
In Vata condition, sour buttermilk should be taken mixed with rock salt. In Pitta condition, sweet one with sugar & in Kapha condition, it should be added with trikatu ( dry ginger, black pepper & piper longum) .
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans notes that an 8 oz. serving of buttermilk contains 284 mg of calcium, which is roughly the same as an equivalent serving of whole or skim milk. Dairy products, such as buttermilk, are rich in calcium and can help you meet the 1,000 mg daily recommended intake of calcium. Calcium contributes primarily to strong bones, but your nerves, muscles and heart all also require calcium to function properly. A lack of proper calcium in your diet could lead to osteoporosis. Thus, incorporating buttermilk into your recipes helps you and your family stay healthy.
Buttermilk boasts an impressive range of vitamins conducive to your overall health. Vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate are all found in buttermilk. Vitamin B-12 increases the health of red blood cells while vitamin B-6 promotes neurological development and assists the body in building proteins. Vitamin A helps keep your skin and hair healthy, vitamin C allows your body to absorb more iron from food and folate helps prevent birth defects.
The Harvard School of Public Health Recommends that adults receive 8 g of protein daily for every 20 lb. of body weight. Like the protein found in meat, dairy protein is "complete" protein. Thus, it contains all eight essential amino acids needed for growth and development. In addition to a range of other nutritional benefits, each serving of buttermilk contains 8 g of protein.
so, have a cup of buttermilk & have healthy life.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Sesame oil is Best?

Ayurveda says, Sesame oil is best amongest all.it gives strength, stability, pain killer ,good for skin & hair & pacify Vata & Kapha.It is good for eating & massage, aphrodisiac, create lightness, beneficial for both slim & obese person.It is beneficial when taken with food or used for Basti, Abhyanga, Snehan & Nasya.
Sesame oil is one of those vegetable oils that are good for you. Most nutritionists like it for two reasons. First, it's rich in mono- and polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs) -- the good kind of fat that cuts cholesterol. Second, sesame oil is low in saturated fats -- the kind of fat that's bad for you. And there's more. Sesame oil contains two unique chemicals called sesamol and sesamin. They are very powerful antioxidantsSesame seeds contain vitamins including vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6 and choline. A tablespoon contains 8 mg of folate, which represents 2 percent daily reSesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, representing 9 percent, 6 percent and 8 percent daily recommended value, respectfully. Other minerals found in sesame seeds include iron, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium.commended value.
 A sesame oil  massage provides the antioxidants vitamins A and E to facial skin. Antioxidants protect skin from cell damage that can be caused by free radicals. Sesame oil also provides protein to skin and is a moisturizer.