Hi friends,
Haunted by bad breath monster. Here are some tips of Ayurveda to fight against it.
1. Brush after eating. Herbal or ayurvedic toothpastes are recommended. One can use charcoal powder or herbal mixtures available in market. Massage your gums with honey after brushing.
2. Use tongue cleaner.Regular tongue cleaning is helping a lot.
3. Gargle after having food and drink. Gargling with triphala or licorice decoction or honey and water will also beneficial.
4. Chew betel leaves, clove, cardamom,camphor after lunch and dinner instead of chewing sugar contained mouth freshners.
5. Do regular oil pulling with warm sesame or coconut oil or A2 cow ghee.
6. Take care of your digestion and bowel.
7. Avoid over eating.
8. Avoid use of cold and hot food at a time.
9. If you are suffering from respiratory disorder, correct it.
10. Herbal smoking will helpful. Take help from ayurveda doctor.
11. Panchakarma like Vaman, virechana, basti and nasya can be helpful. Consult your ayurveda doctor.
12. Pitta dominant people have natural tendency for bad breath. They should avoid pitta aggravating food and lifestyle.
13. Limits dairy products except ghee.
14. Don't hesitate to visit your dentist if facing any dental or gum issue.
15. Fasting once a week can be helpful. Have warm water while fasting.
16. Avoid excess of tea ,coffee , carbonated drinks.
17. Practice sheetali pranayam, sitkari pranayam, kapal bhati and lion pose.
18. Avoid synthetic food and have more veggies and fruits in diet.
19. Keep your body hydrated.Drink adequate water according to your thirst.
20. If it's severe, please visit your health professional.
Be Healthy Always.
Dr Jyoti Jagtap
Swasthayu Ayurved Clinic Kharghar
Haunted by bad breath monster. Here are some tips of Ayurveda to fight against it.
1. Brush after eating. Herbal or ayurvedic toothpastes are recommended. One can use charcoal powder or herbal mixtures available in market. Massage your gums with honey after brushing.
2. Use tongue cleaner.Regular tongue cleaning is helping a lot.
3. Gargle after having food and drink. Gargling with triphala or licorice decoction or honey and water will also beneficial.
4. Chew betel leaves, clove, cardamom,camphor after lunch and dinner instead of chewing sugar contained mouth freshners.
5. Do regular oil pulling with warm sesame or coconut oil or A2 cow ghee.
6. Take care of your digestion and bowel.
7. Avoid over eating.
8. Avoid use of cold and hot food at a time.
9. If you are suffering from respiratory disorder, correct it.
10. Herbal smoking will helpful. Take help from ayurveda doctor.
11. Panchakarma like Vaman, virechana, basti and nasya can be helpful. Consult your ayurveda doctor.
12. Pitta dominant people have natural tendency for bad breath. They should avoid pitta aggravating food and lifestyle.
13. Limits dairy products except ghee.
14. Don't hesitate to visit your dentist if facing any dental or gum issue.
15. Fasting once a week can be helpful. Have warm water while fasting.
16. Avoid excess of tea ,coffee , carbonated drinks.
17. Practice sheetali pranayam, sitkari pranayam, kapal bhati and lion pose.
18. Avoid synthetic food and have more veggies and fruits in diet.
19. Keep your body hydrated.Drink adequate water according to your thirst.
20. If it's severe, please visit your health professional.
Be Healthy Always.
Dr Jyoti Jagtap
Swasthayu Ayurved Clinic Kharghar