Thursday, December 17, 2015


Hello friends,
Wish you all merry Christmas and Happy new year
Season of happiness begins.This is also season of upper respiratory tract infections.There are some household herbs which definitely helpful for it.
Today we are going to discuss about simple uses of turmeric.
1.As all we know it heals wound, just press little turmeric powder on fresh cut, it will stop bleeding and help in healing
2. Secondly it improve radiance, so use it aloong with sandlwood paste or gram four
3.It is best medicine for congestive respiratory tract infection. 2-3 gm of turmeric powder with hot milk and jaggery relieves symptoms
4.Gargling with lukewarm water, 2-3 drops of cow ghee and haridra relieves pharyngitis and tonsilitis
5.It is useful in many skin disorders specially having itching and secretions , use with milk
6. It reduces blackishness of skin when applied with ghee
7.It relieves allergic skin disorders when taken fried with ghee
8.It's decoction alongwith aamalki (amla) helps to avoid complications of diabetes
9.It's pickle helps to relieve anorexia
            So use ayurveda and be healthy .

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Hello Friends,

In last discussion, we have seen bad effects of over consumption of sweet taste.In this topic, we are going to see good qualities of bitter taste. I know, everybody , from child to adult hates bitter veggies in his plates. But it is very important, to eat bitter veggies in small quantity in your diet. It has good qualities for maintaining  your health. For e.g, bitter gourd,turmeric,green leafy vegetables, eggplant, zucchini, fenugreek,broccoli, cabbage, sponge gourd, snake gourd,ridge gourd etc.Let see qualities .

  • Though it isn't appealing alone , it increases taste sensing capacity by cleansing Doshas in mouth and helps out the flavor of other tastes
  • It decreases Ama and toxins in body
  • It helps in digestion and kindle digestive fire 
  • It helps to reduce obesity by increasing lypolysis and preventing accumulation of fats
  • It cleanses breast milk 
  • It is good antipyretic
  • It decreases secretions at wound and helps in cleaning and healing of wound
  • It is powerful detoxifying agent
  • It is good antihelmethetic
  • It purifies blood and maintain health of skin
  • It is beneficial in diabetes melitus, obesity, dislipidemia, skin disease, hyper-acidity worms infestations, and burning sensations
so, i guess you will start eating bitter veggies from today

Monday, June 15, 2015


To eat is necessity ,but to eat intelligently is an art

Hello friends, i guess you may got foggiest idea what today's topic is.Yes , to day i am gonna discuss what are the effects of eating sweet in may know that most of the sweet food is heavy to digest. so it creates AMA,which leads to digestive problems.It interfere normal catabolism and metabolism process which leads to obesity, diabetes mellitis, hypothyroidism, atherosclerosis and renal problem basically in excess sweet food hampers produces to much kapha and so causes kapha related disorders.It is one of cause for rhinitis,asthma and respiratory tract diseases. it causes worm infestation, excess sleep, heaviness, and diseases of eye.
so eat wisely and be healthy


Hello friends,
comeback again a long break

All of you aware of world yoga day, some of you may plan for this day.Yoga is different from exercise. In routine we do exercise for physical fitness purpose. Yoga acts on your physique, mind and spirit. In today's era , everyone is facing stress.This stress causes many types on mental and physical disorders. It is yoga's plus point. It make you stress free. simple breathing exercise, simple postures and meditation makes you very energetic.It is a good experience.It gives you long n healthy  life.It prevents many lifestyle disorders. It acts on energy, emotion and people becomes self help. I do yoga n love it. so take your yogamatt n join for betterment of life and for harmony and peace.