Dysmenorrhea or dysmenorrhoea is a medical condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. Painful menstruation is known as RAJAH-KRICCHAin Ayurved. While many individuals experience minor pain during menstruation, dysmenorrhea is diagnosed when the pain is so severe as to limit normal activities, or require medication. The pain may appear before the start of menstruation cycle and may remain thereafter. It may continue till the end of cycle. The pain affects lower pelvic region and at times, it becomes severe. There are seen these symptoms also- nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and constipation. In addition to these sleeplessness is also seen.
According to Ayurveda, menstruation is due Vata dominance .
Some simple things can make the situation better.
An imbalanced diet causes imbalance of Dosha and so dysmenorrheal.
1.Including 2 tbs of A2 cow ghee to your plate will help you.
2.Avoid butter, cheese, & yoghurt.
3. Avoid cold food, water and direct exposure to cold air
4. Eat a fried petal of garlic daily
5. Take ½ tsp of Anis vert daily after lunch
6. Avoid cold drinks, alcohol & smoking
7. Use warm water for drinking & bathing during menstruation
8. Have warm fresh homemade food
9.Avoid excess spicy, salt & sour , dry food.
10.Avoid excess coffee, ice-cream , chocolates
11.Take light food & warm water during menstruation
12.If pain is intense take a pinch of ghee fried asafetida with warn water
13.You can use sesame oil while cooking
14.Add khicharee with ghee once a week
15.Don’t smoke.
16.Daily full body massage with mahanarayan / sahchar tail will definitely help you.
If not possible , massage at least lower abdomen.
17.Avoid strenuous exercise before a week & during menstruation.Have rest.
18.Daily practice of some yoga poses like pavanmuktasan will help .
19.Do meditation , it will help to reduce stress.
20.Respond to natural urges
21.Fomentation with hot bags will reduce cramps.
22.Avoid excess coitus a week before & during menses
23. Avoid contraceptive pills , instead use calendar method or other.
24.Basti is the best panchakarma for this condition, for details consult your ayurveda doctor.
24.Basti is the best panchakarma for this condition, for details consult your ayurveda doctor.
This will make your hard days easy n cheerful.