Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Nature mother has granted a boon to every living organism is fertility.Parenthood gives birth to responsible person. Unfortunately some peoples get problem regarding this.We know about what modern sciences say. Let see what ayurveda say....
In nature we see, for a plant to germinate necessary factors are weather, water, earth and seed
Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu n Beej are important for conception.
Ritu means season in human menstruation
Kshetra means uterus 
Ambu means nutritious fluid for  sperms, ovum & foetus
Beej means ovum and sperm.
 Ritu -Regular menstruation with ovulation is important for conception.ayurveda says some season are important for conception. Spring is the best one.The season affect the conception and foetal dhatu constitution. The human sperms are more capable of conception in spring & have least  in summer.
So seasonal ritu should be appropriate and  so sharir ritu .
Kshetra- As for germinate the seed, favorable soil  is necessary,a normal uterus with no structural or functional is required for conception .
Ambu - Literally meaning of it is water.but here we have to consider the Rasa dhatu.Nutrition is important .
It is of uterus, male & female reproductive systems & mind.
Beej - Last but most important. without it no possibilities of conception.Both that is male & female beej should be healthy. For sperms, the quality is more important than quantity.Ovum should be capable for conception.
If we think all causes of infertility, they all can be catagarised under this four.
why there is increasing  cases of  infertility ?
1. Overuse of hormonal contraceptives - They spoil menstrual cycle and uterus.
2. Food - with agricultural development,we loosed traditional farming .Now we are using all seedless foodstuff which don't have capacity of reproduce. ayurveda says,same  increases same, so they are depleting
reproductive capacity of humans.
3. Use of fast food /ready to cook food - according to ayurveda , they all are slow poisons,which affecting     beeja
4.Lack of proper nutrition - we are either overeating or eating non-nutritious food which causes defect in     ambu.
 If you will  avoid all these four element  ( ritu etc.)vitiating substances, chances of conception  will definitely increase.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


During famous war between Lord Rama and Ravana, when the army of monkeys following Rama was dying, Indra (Main deity among all lords) dispensed nectar among them. When they were taking nectar, some drops fell on ground and Guduchi originated from there.

Guduchi- Means ‘the one who protects the body’.
Madhuparni- Means 'One who's leaves are full of honey'
Amrita- Means ‘divine nectar’

Action - Pacifies all the three Doshas and maintain their balance with each other i.e. why it is said to be having Rasayana character; besides it find important place in the herbs useful in management of diseases having Tridoshic origin.

Characters -
 Rasa (Taste)- Tikta (Bitter); Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (Characteristics)- Guru (Heavy); Snigdha (Unctuous)
Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (Warm)
Vipaka (Post digestion effect)- Madhura (Sweet)

It act as
Vaya sthapana-  increases longevity
Daha prashamana-  alleviates burning sensation
Trishna nigrahana-  alleviates excessive thirst
Stanya shodhana-  purifies the breast milk
Triptighna-  alleviates anorexia making a person to feel hungry
Rasayani- Rejuvenator
Samgrahini- Means it has the tendency to absorb the liquid content from the Malas (Gastric waste) giving it normal consistency 
Balya-  increases strength
Agni deepani-  ignites digestive fire
Valee palita nashini-  delays the signs of aging
Medhya- Enhances grasping power, memory and recollection ability.
Hridya - Cardiac tonic

Modern medicine says -
  • Guduchi helps increase the effectiveness of protective white blood cells and builds up the body's own defense mechanism (immune system).
  • Guduchi enhances the functioning of protective cells, macrophages, and improves body's resistance to infections.
  • Guduchi is useful as a diuretic, helps removes urinary stones and reduce blood urea.
  • Guduchi inhibits growth of bacteria and enhances the buildup of immune resistance.
  • Guduchi possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, and anti-allergic
  •        Guduchi is regarded as a liver protector. Liver damage, viral hepatitis or poisoning
            from alcohol, chemicals or recreational and medicinal drugs.