Hi friends,
Today we are discussing water. Water is important for human life.
“Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.
Ayurveda says water is amrita i.e.nectar . On Earth 70% water is present same rule applies to our body.Water is dietary regime from birth. Ayurveda has a scientific view about water.In our body most of the dhatu & mala are made up from water. Water is itself gratifying. It gives life. We need water for living.
If you are thirsty, still can't get water or suppressing your thirst , you feel body-ache, vertigo, deafness, sucking.
Though water is important to us what is ideal quantity?Does drinking no. of bottles really gives health?
Ayurveda says,the quantity which quench your thirst at that time is ideal one , every healthy person should avoid large quantity of water except in autumn & summer.
In fact patients of rhinitis, ascitis, swelling, skin diseases, eye diseases, fever, wound , diabetes & poor digestive power should have less intake of water. Avoid excess of water after dinner specially people having asthma, cough, diseases of head & neck region.
Excessive water intake causes agnimandya (weakening of biofire ) leads to production of aam & ajeerna lead to dhatunash which is root of all diseases.
Now there may a question arise in your mind, what about water taking in morning? First water should be
Lukewarm ,it should be taken in end of night. The exact time is 3.30 - 4.00 am. Are you waked at this time? if no please stop .The water drunken at this time keep away aging & help to heal piles, IBS, swelling, obesity , diseases of sensory organs & urinary system.
Normally water take 6 hr to digest. Boiled water is easy to digest. There types of boil down water.3/4 -good for vata, 1/2- good for pitta & 1/4-tridosha . Later is lighest.
1/2 boil down water is best for decreasing kapha, aam , vat & meda. it is dietary regime in fever, cough , asthma & cleanses basti. But don't use stale water. Always prepare fresh.
Here are some rules for drinking water with meal-
1. Having too much or none water causes indigestion.
2. Avoid drinking water when you are hungry.
3. Having water before meal makes lean ,in between makes healthy & lastly make obese.
4. Warm water is helpful in indigestion
5. Avoid drinking water fastly esp. when tired , in the hot sun
Do you have healthy habits of drinking water?